WELCOME to a New School Year!!
We are excited. We will be returning to all in-person classes for 2024-2025. On September 11th, we will continue to have PSR every Wednesday 6:00-7:15pm. Below are the forms that you will need to fill out, sign, and bring to Jansen Center along with the tuition payment. Our catechists teach through both word and action to spiritually and intellectually engage your children so they know and live their Catholic Faith. However, to be truly successful in passing on the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Catholic Faith, there is no substitute for your involvement in your children’s religious formation. Given the uncetainty of our world it is vital to form a solid foundation. We are here to help you and your child to build a strong Faith and to encounter Jesus Christ ... the source and summit of our Faith.
Blessed are they who hear the Word of God and keep It. ~ Luke 11:28
2024-2025 Registration Checklist
2024-2025 New Student Registration
2024-2025 Returning Student Registration
Enrollment Agreement Form (In-Person Classes)
Enrollment Agreement Form (Remote Classes)
Handbook Agreement Form
2024-2025 Handbook
Catechists strive to pass on the Catholic faith to their students through use of:
Sacred Scripture, · Sacred Tradition, Church teaching, ·Prayer, Faith and moral instruction, Sacraments, Study of the lives of the saints, Community involvement, Service opportunities
In our PSR program, the Sunday Gospel along with the pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church - Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer -are introduced and reinforced to build age-appropriate faith. The dimensions of community, service and worship are incorporated throughout the year through special events and celebrations.
Who: Grades 1-12
When: Wednesday evenings 6:00 - 7:15pm
Where: Drop off at the entrance of St Luke School.
Pick up at rear of school.
There are numerous opportunities to volunteer in these programs. The gifts and talents each of us possesses are the means through which our program is able to fulfill its mission.
Volunteer Positions:
Teacher's Aide
Substitute Catechist
Substitute Teacher's Aide
Office Aide
Special Activities
Catechists must be 18 years old and in college or older. Students in middle school and high school may volunteer to be a teacher's aide for VBS. Contact Mary Pyper, x6306, [email protected].
Vacation Bible School provides a 5-day program for children preschool age through fifth grade.
St. Luke is unique in that it has created its own Catholic VBS program with original songs.
The themed lessons offer an adventure of crafts, games, music,
play, scripture, and prayer. Children entering the program must be 3 years of
age (on or before September 30th of the previous year). Many volunteers are
needed and both adults and youth 6th grade and up are encouraged to
participate. For more information, go to: VBS PAGE.