The parish of Saint Luke the Evangelist began about 1950 as a result of the hopes and dreams of the Knollwood Catholic Association. This group worked to identify the needs of the Catholics in the area.
In 1954, following several requests, Archbishop Karl J. Alter authorized the purchase of land that is the present site of the church property. Monsignor Martin T. Gilligan was appointed to organize the new parish on June 3, 1955. Groundbreaking for Saint Luke Parish took place in September 1956 and the church was dedicated on December 15, 1957.
The early years of Saint Luke are filled with development, innovation, and expansion. The first parish festival was held June 15-16, 1956 and advertised as a festival held by the “youngest and newest parish in Dayton and the Archdiocese.”
Religious education was an important part of Saint Luke from the very beginning. A variety of religious education formats included Sunday morning classes, week night classes, and a summer Day Camp. The Saint Luke Day Camp was offered under the guidance of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur from Covington, Kentucky.
Father Paul V. Golembiewski worked to establish a school for the parish which opened in September 1964. The first school was staffed by Franciscan sisters from Dayton’s St. Anthony Parish as well as Marianist priests and brothers from Mount Saint Johns. The school building was completed in January 1966 with dedication on June 1 of that year. Saint Luke School has excelled in academic performance as well as extra-curricular activities. The school has been recognized for its outstanding and innovative teaching.
The parish bulletin, known as The Beam, began in 1955 and continues today. Archived copies of The Beam can be found on the web site.
In November 1986, the former convent building was converted to a parish religious education office and meeting rooms and named The Jansen Center after Rev. Herman J. Jansen who served as associate pastor from 1962-1968 and as pastor from 1976-1989.
The parish has been served by Monsignor Martin T.Gilligan (1955- ), Fr. Paul V. Golembiewski (1964?-1973), Fr. Andrew J. Hoying (1973-1976), Fr. John Burns (administrator from 1975-1976), Fr. Herman J. Jansen (1976-1989), Fr. William Kramer (1989-2004), and our current pastor, Fr. Terrance L. Schnieder since 2004.
Ground was broken for a new church in April 2002 and consecrated on May 3, 2003. A detailed history can be found in the parish's 50th Anniversary book, A Vibrant Past, A Brilliant Future.