A vocation is a response to God's call in one's life by which one's whole existence is placed at the service of the Gospel.When we talk about vocation, we are talking about God's will...what we believe God is calling us to do with our life and the purpose for which we have been created as it relates to the salvation of our own souls as well as the salvation of others. All vocations are holy and focus on building God's Kingdom.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament by which a man is made a bishop, a priest, or a deacon in the Person of Christ. A bishop adminsters the sacrament which confers certain powers of Christ, principally the power to consecrate bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, and the power to forgive sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
A diocesan priest is called to serve in a particular diocese. He serves mostly in parishes in obedience and collaboration with the Bishop of the diocese.
A religious priest is a member of a religious community. He is under the authority of his own superiors and may serve in a diocese through the works of his order or congregation and with permission of the local bishop. Some religious priests serve in parishes, while others may serve in education, retreat work, communications, and so on.
Other Vocations
Deacons: Men who are ordained to minister to the People of God. The diaconate is primarily a ministry of service and deacons also share some role in the worship life of a community. Deacons can preach homilies and preside at Baptisms and weddings.
Religious brothers: men committed to living a consecrated life in response to God's call. Brothers are engaged in a variety of ministries in keeping with the charism of their congregation. They seek to model the person of Jesus through their service.
Religious sisters: women committed to living a consecrated life in response to God's call. Sisters are engaged in a variety of miniistries in keeping with the charism of their congregation. They also seek to model the person of Jesus through their service.
Call the Parish Office (426-1733 x 201) or the Jansen Center (x 301) to explore the possibility of a vocation to the ordained priesthood, diaconate, vowed religious life for women and men, or for information on lay pastoral ministry opportunities.